Yellow Pages is proud to support

At Yellow Pages, we work with thousands of Aussie businesses everyday. So we’ve partnered with R U OK? to encourage meaningful conversations about mental health in the workplace.

Our Mental Health Handbook for Small Business Owners is a valuable resource. Download your copy here.

Download eHandbook

R U OK? posters for your workspace.

Download these posters for your workspace and help educate your team on the importance of mental well being when you’re on the job.

Start a conversation using these 4 steps

R U OK? conversation guide.

Mental wellness for business.

Knowing how to address mental wellness in the workplace can be a challenge, especially in professions that are historically viewed as ‘macho’.

Fortunately this is changing and it doesn’t take much to make a difference. Find out more here.

Video: There's more to say after R U OK?

2023 Mental health handbook for small business owners.

It can be difficult to start a conversation with someone you're worried about at work. This eHandbook, created in partnership with R U OK?, can help, with practical tips on protecting your staff's mental well being.
